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Orexo Q2 2024 Interim Report

UPPSALA, Sweden, July 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Making progress, while the OX124 review time extended Q2 2024 highlights Total net revenues of SEK 154.0 m (157.7) EBITDA of SEK 5.0 m (5.6) Net earnings of SEK -35.9 m (-12.6) US Commercial segment net revenues of SEK 147.9 m (145.4), in local currency USD 13.9 m (13.8) Cash flow from operating activities of SEK -6.5 m (-12.7), cash and cash equivalents of SEK 139.7 m (251.1) Earnings per share before and after dilution amounted to SEK -1.04 (-0.37) Second patent in the US granted for OX640, a nasal epinephrine powder product The financial guidance for 2024 reiterated Important events after the end of the ­period Orexo AB´s sustainability work ranked among the top five percent of all 70,000 businesses worldwide reviewed by EcoVadis For OX124, a high dose naloxone rescue medication for opioid overdose, a complete response letter was received from the FDA, requesting additional technical data on the final commercial product and additional data from a new human factor (HF) study. A new HF study was successfully conducted in early July. SEK m unless otherwise stated 2024Apr-Jun 2023 Apr-Jun 2024Jan-Jun 2023Jan-Jun 2023Jan-Dec Net revenues 154.0 157.7 293.2 316.8 638.8 Cost of goods sold -16.3 -17.2 -29.6 -46.0 -88.9 Operating expenses