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Gary Vee Calls Not Investing In Uber Angel Round One Of His 'Greatest Mistakes': 'People Value Time Over Everything'

Serial entrepreneur and investor Gary Vaynerchuk (aka Gary Vee) was an early investor in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Snap and Venmo. Vee was also an early investor in Uber, before the company completed a highly anticipated IPO in May 2019. What Happened: Ride-share company Uber Technologies Inc (NYSE:UBER) is a leader in the sector that didn't exist decades ago. The company's May 2019 IPO was one of the largest at the time. Investors who bought into Uber before the company went public could be up on their investment Vee invested in the company early, but not as early as he wished. "One of the greatest mistakes of my investing career was passing on investing in Uber in the angel round twice," Vee recently said on his Facebook account. Vee recalled being in the "room where Uber was invented," but passing on investing in the company early on two different occasions. The entrepreneur was friends with Uber co-founders Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp and recalled being in a room with Camp after giving a speech at LeWeb. "Wouldn't it be cool if on your phone there was an app and you could order a limousine that would pick you up right away," Vee recalled Camp said in a backstage room to a few people. Vee said his first thought was this sounded like a rich person's problem. Months later Vee ran into Camp and was told that the concept had ...