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Apex Trader Funding (ATF) - News

BRI Leadership Bought BBRI Shares, Shows Confidence in Future Performance

JAKARTA, Indonesia, June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (IDX: BBRI) directors have been actively buying BBRI shares, according to information disclosed to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) on June 12. BRI's Deputy CEO, Catur Budi Harto purchased 230,000 BBRI shares on June 7th, bringing his total holdings to 4,045,557 shares. On the same day, BRI's CFO, Viviana, also purchased 280,000 BBRI shares, bringing her total holdings to 3,659,500 shares. On June 10th, the Director of Micro Business, Supari, purchased 213,300 BBRI shares, bringing his holdings to 4,970,914 shares. "The transaction is for personal investment purposes," Agustya Hendy Bernadi, BRI's corporate secretary, said in ...