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Apex Trader Funding (ATF) - News

Takeda's Dengue Vaccine Gets WHO Approval, Eligible for UN Procurement

Wednesday, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd’s (NYSE:TAK) dengue vaccine received World Health Organization’s (WHO) prequalification.  TAK-003 is the second dengue vaccine to be prequalified by WHO.  The prequalification makes it eligible for procurement by United Nations agencies like UNICEF and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). The vaccine, dubbed Qdenga, is approved in Indonesia, Brazil, the European Union (EU), Iceland, the U.K., Norway, and Lichtenstein.  Developed by Takeda, it is a live-attenuated vaccine containing weakened versions of the four serotypes of the virus that cause dengue.  WHO recommends using TAK-003 in children aged 6–16 in settings with high dengue burden and transmission intensity.  Related: Japan’s Takeda Pharma ...