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TORONTO, May 9, 2024 /CNW/ - Allied Gold Corporation (TSX:AAUC) ("Allied" or the "Company") is herein reporting its financial and operational results for the first quarter of 2024. During the quarter, the Company produced 85,177 gold ounces ("oz") and sold 85,136 oz at total cost of sales, cash costs(1) and all-in sustaining costs ("AISC")(1) per oz sold of $1,614, $1,397, and $1,562, respectively. Importantly, the operating trends and cash flow generation from existing operations during the first quarter have already begun to show clear improvements and positive momentum, including: Improving Production Base: Production during the first quarter is 8.3% higher than the comparative prior period quarter of 78,616 oz, and consistent with guidance and sequencing expectations. Improving Cost Profile: Despite an anticipated 8.5% decrease in oz sold since Q4 2023, cost of sales, cash costs(1) and AISC(1) per oz sold have all sequentially decreased. Increasing Cash Flow Generation: Operating cash flows before income tax paid and movements in working capital resulted in a strong inflow of $38.0 million during the first quarter, significantly exceeding the figures from both the fourth quarter and the comparative prior period quarter, and also surpassing planned cash flow expectations for this period. Exposure to Increasing Gold Price: First quarter cash flow was generated at an average realized gold price of $2,053 per oz. With current spot prices significantly exceeding this realized price, the Company has entered into zero-cost gold collars for approximately 30% of its production, or 10,000 oz per month, from May 2024 to March 2025, totaling 110,000 oz. These contracts, with a put of $2,200 per oz and a call of $2,829 per oz, safeguard against downside risks in gold prices while locking in significant cash flow at prices materially above current budget assumptions. FIRST QUARTER HIGHLIGHTS Financial Results – Strong Liquidity to Support Growth Initiatives Net Profit before income tax for the three months ended March 31, 2024 of $12.6 million. First quarter net loss(2) of $5.7 million or $0.02 per share basic and diluted. Adjusted first quarter net earnings(1)(2) of $0.9 million or $0.00 per share basic and diluted, largely reflecting adjustments for non-recurring items related to unrealized losses on the revaluation of financial instruments and share-based compensation. Operating cash flow before income tax paid and movements in working capital was $38.0 million. As previously guided and disclosed, the Company continued to make payments in the amounts accrued in prior periods in relation to the going public transaction which is reflected as a one-time impact to working capital. Working capital is expected to normalize to lower levels in subsequent periods as such accrued amounts are paid. Net cash used in operating activities in the period was $7.9 million. Cash flows from operating activities are expected to materially increase through the remainder of 2024, driven by increased production contributions and lower costs in the second half of the year, along with more normalized adjustments for changes to working capital. Expenses are expected to continue to trend lower over the remainder of the year, with quarter-over-quarter savings and improvements expected, the most significant of which are expected in the second-half of the year. As costs further decrease, and production increases, the per ounce cost of general and administrative expenses will decrease more than commensurately. Cash and cash equivalents totaled $125.4 million as at March 31, 2024, coming in ahead of internal forecasts. Given the current gold price, the Company anticipates being fully financed through existing cash flows and cash on hand. However, to reduce dependence on the gold price, Allied is proactively pursuing several non-dilutive financing options, including streams on producing assets and a gold prepay facility. Operational Results – Sustainable Production Base Set for Improvement Building on these positive financial and operational trends, Allied advanced strategic integrations and enhancements across its mining sites during the quarter. These initiatives were implemented with the understanding that they would impact first quarter results, but are aimed at bolstering performance and securing long-term growth: Operational Integration and Enhancement at Agbaou: The transition of mining operations at Agbaou under the same mining contractor as at Bonikro, initiated late last year, has now been completed. This integration is expected to realize enhanced operational synergies in future quarters, despite the expected and planned transition-related production impact in the first quarter. Processing Improvements and Mine Sequencing at Bonikro: Processing enhancements that required a plant shutdown in the first quarter of 2024 have been completed, and the plant is now operating normally with improved controls and operational performance. Furthermore, as expected and previously guided, Bonikro's sustaining capital and AISC(1) in the quarter were impacted by capitalized stripping at Pushback 5. The stripping activities carried out during the year will improve production and costs for the next few years. Setting up Sadiola for Continued Success: Sadiola had a strong first quarter and is poised for sequential and significant production increases through the second half of 2024. This is supported by the addition of ore from Diba, along with other operational improvements. Diba, an oxide and higher-grade ore body, is expected to represent a significant component of the Company's production at Sadiola this year, replacing some of the lower-grade fresh ore originally planned to be fed through the plant, thereby improving both production and cost. An access road between the plant at Sadiola and Diba has been completed and preparatory work is ongoing. Production from Diba is expected to begin late in the second quarter of 2024 and development work is presently on schedule. As previously disclosed, production is expected to be weighted to the second half of the year with quarter over quarter variances due to mine sequencing and accessing higher grades as per the mining plan, along with the implementation of operational improvements. Production is expected to sequentially increase in the second and third quarters, with production in the fourth quarter consistent with the third quarter, all of which aligns with Allied's guidance of 375,000 to 405,000 ounces for 2024 at a mine-site AISC(1) of $1,400/oz. The relative proportions of production for the first and second half of the year, by mine and consolidated are expected as  follows: Expected 2024 Production Split First Half Second Half Sadiola 47 % 53 % Bonikro 45 % 55 % Agbaou 40 % 60 % Consolidated 45 % 55 % The production and cost guidance for 2024 remains unchanged. As expected, production and costs in the quarter are lower in terms of production and higher in terms of costs than subsequent quarters with a stronger second half of year as noted above. On a longer-term outlook, the Company continues to target production of 400,000-450,000 oz at a mine-site AISC(1) below $1,375 per oz for 2025, and aims to exceed 600,000 oz at a mine-site AISC(1) below $1,225 per oz for 2026. These projected improvements are underpinned by additional oxide ore feed and the Phase 1 expansion at Sadiola, as well as the initiation of production at Kurmuk in 2026. Meanwhile, annual increases in production at Bonikro, as PB5 progresses, combined with stable production at Agbaou, will further enhance the Company's sustainable production platform. Sustainability The Company did not report any significant Environmental Incidents for the three months ended March 31, 2024. For the quarter ended March 31, 2024, the Company reported 1 Lost Time Injury, resulting in a Lost Time Injury Rate ("LTIR") of 0.29(4). Advancement of Key Growth Initiatives On September 7, 2023, construction activities at the expanded Kurmuk Project commenced through a two-phase development plan, bolstered by the previously announced strategic consolidation of the minority interest, bringing the Company's ownership to 100%(3). During its review of the Kurmuk development plan, the Company decided to pursue an expanded project involving an upgrade of the processing plant's capacity from 4.4Mt/a to the confirmed design of 6.0Mt/a. This expansion, as indicated in the 2023 Front End Engineering and Design ("FEED"), leverages major equipment already owned by the Company, reducing implementation risks and capital intensity. The advancement of the Kurmuk project into the execution phase represents a significant milestone. The project implementation team, which boasts strong African project delivery capabilities, began focusing on early works execution planning in the fourth quarter of 2023, continuing through the first quarter of 2024. Activities included implementing the staffing plan, mobilizing the EPCM to site, advancing detailed engineering, formalizing and executing on the procurement plan, defining and implementing all project procedures, planning logistics, tracking key logistic deliveries such as camp facilities, and placing orders for key early works machinery and contracts, including the installation of the first phase of the camp and building the construction water dam. The construction water dam is progressing well and is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2024, ahead of the wet season. The expanded project is now expected to achieve an average annual gold production of over 290,000 oz over the first five years and sustain over 240,000 oz per year with AISC(1) targeted below $950 per gold ounce, with a 10-year mine life based solely on Mineral Reserves. As reported in the press release titled "Allied Gold Announces Positive Exploration Results at Kurmuk's Tsenge Gold Prospect and New Oxide Discoveries at Sadiola, Supporting the Company's Objectives to Extend Mine Life and Increase Production" dated April 10, 2024, the Company is advancing highly prospective targets to significantly increase the Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves at Kurmuk, aligning with the Company's goal of achieving a minimum of five million ounces of gold in mineral inventories at the project, and pursuing a strategic mine life extending for at least 15 years at production levels in excess of 250,000 oz per annum. The project execution requires development capital of approximately $500 million, funded by available cash on hand and cash flows from producing mines, with the first gold pour expected in the second quarter of 2026. Production from Diba is expected to begin late in the second quarter, with development work presently on schedule. As of December 31, 2023, a maiden Mineral Reserve estimate declared 6.1 million tonnes of Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves at a grade of 1.43 g/t, containing 280,000 oz. The Company has been actively engaging with local communities and upgrading infrastructure, including the completion of an access road between the Sadiola plant and Diba. Advanced grade control drilling started in the first quarter of 2024, preparing the site for mining. The total development costs for the Diba Project, including the construction of the access road, are projected at $12 million. The anticipated additional production from Diba is expected to significantly enhance operational efficiency and financial performance at Sadiola, increasing revenue, lowering AISC(1), and improving cash flows in 2024 and 2025, thus substantially supporting the Company's growth plans. Over the last several years, the Company has been advancing a strategy of optimization and expansion at Sadiola. Initial efforts related to the stabilization of the operation, primarily in relation to the existing processing capacity of mostly oxide ores, although followed by a phased expansion to process fresh ores, with the objective of increasing production and cash flows in the short and longer terms. Present efforts have focused on increasing the inventory of oxide and fresh ores, the latter significantly, optimizing mining and processing, conducting several technical studies on processing fresh ores through existing facilities to be followed by the development of a new plant for processing fresh ore exclusively and implementation of augments to existing facilities to benefit the existing plant and planned new plant for processing fresh ore. Meaningful improvements in production are targeted in the short term as a result of the contribution from Diba high-grade oxide ore, with the objective to support production levels between 200,000 and 230,000 ounces per year in the next two years, reduce AISC(1), increase revenue, and provide robust cash flows in 2024 and 2025, to support development projects across the Company. This approach will enable the mine to continue producing at elevated levels while incurring lower near-term capital costs. Following this period, with the commissioning of the Phase 1 Expansion, the mine is expected to support an average production level between 200,000 and 230,000 ounces per year through 2028, by processing more fresh ore with higher grades and lower recoveries. This strategy not only optimizes the use of existing Mineral Resources but also aligns with our commitment to extend the life of the mine and enhance its profitability. Pre-construction activities for the Phase 1 Expansion are progressing well, with detailed engineering, procurement, and execution planning activities continuing through the first quarter. The updated engineering study for this phase has reconfirmed total capital expenditure of approximately $61.6 million and the design to treat up to 60% of fresh rock at a rate of up to 5.7 Mt/y in the existing process plant. Upgrades in infrastructure to prepare the site for the next phase of investment will also be advanced in this period. The Phase 2 Expansion, planned as a new processing plant to be built beginning in late 2026 and dedicated to processing fresh rock and oxides at a rate of up to 10Mt per year, starting in 2029, is expected to increase production to an average of 400,000 ounces per year for the first 4 years and 300,000 ounces per year on average for the mine's 19-year life, with AISC(1) expected to decrease to below $1,000 per gold ounce. Capital expenditures for this phase are estimated to be approximately $400 million inclusive of infrastructure upgrades. While the investment in the Sadiola Project is delineated in phases for planning purposes, it is critical to recognize that these phases are part of an integrated development effort, aimed to significantly increase Sadiola's production, enhance its profitability and longevity, and reaffirm the commitment to the Company's stakeholders as demonstrated by the over $127 million invested in Sadiola to date, which has allowed for a material increase in production and Mineral Reserves and advance the project to the execution phase, the planned expenditure of $100 million between 2024 and 2025, and over $350 million expected to be spent from 2026 to 2029 by which time both the modified existing plant and new plant will be commissioned and functioning. The Company is also advancing opportunities for optimization of the project, including metallurgical test work and a pre-feasibility study to potentially increase recoveries by over 10% through the use of flotation and concentrate leaching. This study, supported by the Company's phased investment, seeks to improve the project's financial performance significantly. With this long-term and value-focused strategy, the Company is well-positioned to affirm that the advancement of the Sadiola Project is proceeding as planned, reinforcing Allied's commitment to operational excellence and long-term value creation. Financial Flexibility The Company's ability to deliver on this positive outlook and to unlock the significant value in its large and expanding mineral inventory is supported by the financial flexibility needed to internally fund these optimization and growth initiatives. To further enhance the Company's financial flexibility as these initiatives progress, Allied is actively executing a select number of non-dilutive alternatives including streams on producing assets and a gold prepay facility. This strategic direction is prompted by the current capital markets not fully capturing the inherent value of the Company's assets, leading Allied to seek alternative sources of capital that offer low-cost options with the added benefit of more accurately reflecting true value to market participants. Among these initiatives, Allied is in advanced discussions to implement a stream for approximately $50 million on its Côte d'Ivoire assets. The proceeds, which are expected to incur a competitive cost of capital based on Proven & Probable Mineral Reserves and remain competitive when assuming Mineral Resource conversion, will bolster and ensure self-funding for Allied's extensive exploration and optimization program in Côte d'Ivoire where $16.5 million is allocated for 2024 to advance highly prospective sites such as Oume, located north of the Bonikro mill, as well as Akissi-So, Agbalé and other targets. The stream proceeds will enable strategic enhancements distinct from the current life of mine plans, designed to incrementally advance asset value without diminishing shareholder equity and unlock upside that otherwise would not be readily funded in the short term as the Company pursues the advancement of Kurmuk and Sadiola projects. Given the competitive cost of capital, Allied is also exploring the potential to raise proceeds of about $75-$100 million from a small 0.75-1.00% stream on Sadiola. Additionally, the Company aims to secure at least $100 million in proceeds by late 2024 or early 2025 through a gold prepay facility, which not only brings forward revenue but also includes a built-in gold price collar amidst favorable market rates, acting as a hedge against gold price depreciation during the construction of Kurmuk. With an established and growing sustainable production platform, a significant mineral inventory with highly prospective exploration targets and the financial flexibility to deliver on its long-term vision, Allied is set to become Africa's next senior gold producer. OPERATING RESULTS SUMMARY For three months ended March 31, 2024 2023 Gold ounces Production 85,177 78,616 Sales 85,136 83,475 Per Gold Ounce Sold Total Cost of Sales(4) $                     1,614 $                     1,582 Cash Costs(1) $                     1,397 $                     1,436 AISC(1) $                     1,562 $                     1,548 Average revenue per ounce $                     2,053 $                     1,846 Average market price per ounce* $                     2,071 $                     1,892 *Average market prices based on the LMBA PM Fix Price Sadiola For the three months ended March 31, 2024, Sadiola had a strong quarter and fully met expectations with production of 48,330 ounces compared to 40,533 ounces in the comparative prior year period, representing an increase of 19%. Initiatives undertaken at the end of the fourth quarter, predominantly focused on crushing and screening, continued throughout the quarter and were successfully implemented. Results were also positively impacted by the higher feed grade. Diba continues to progress on plan, and is expected to deliver its first production later in the second quarter. Expected cost reductions are to be achieved through the further inclusion of oxide ore from Diba and the sequential  increases in production over the remaining quarters of the year. Since acquiring the Sadiola Project in 2021, Allied has identified over 15 million tonnes of economic oxide mineralization within the near-mine footprint, significantly enhancing the oxide Mineral Resource base critical for the existing and planned processing infrastructure. Ongoing exploration activities at Diba, Sekekoto West, FE4, and Tambali South are crucial to Allied's strategy to leverage the existing Mineral Resources and infrastructure to maximize production and cash flows in the short term. During the quarter, exploratory and Mineral Resource drilling programs were conducted on the Sadiola and Diba mining licenses. A total of 185 holes were drilled for 19,273 meters by 5 drill rigs, with 106 holes for 14,565 meters completed at Sadiola and 79 holes for 4,708 meters completed at Diba. Mineral Resource drilling programs were ongoing at Tambali Pit, S12 prospect, Sekekoto West, and FE2.5 prospects, and at Diba where infill drilling on the historical Mineral Resource area was in progress. Infill drilling at approximately 25-meter spacing on the Diba Mineral Reserve was undertaken by two exploration rigs during the quarter to improve the definition for oxide mining planned in the second quarter. Core drilling to test the resource potential beneath the Tambali oxide pits was completed. The program aims to define a larger Inferred Mineral Resource for further definition infill in 2024, with a decision on potential mining and subsequent backfilling of the void from the Sadiola Main sulphide mine waste anticipated. Results for all drillholes were returned, including positive results from a hole drilled under the southern end of the Tambali oxide pit in fresh rock, hosted in pyrite-arsenopyrite mineralized psammopelite. This illustrates the opportunity to develop a secondary sulphide Mineral Resource at Tambali that can contribute to the longer-term life of mine planning for the Sadiola sulphide project outside of the Sadiola Main deposit, offering an alternative mining area. At Sekokoto West, Allied provided updates regarding progress in the April 10, 2024 press release, "Allied Gold announces positive exploration results at Kurmuk's Tsenge gold prospect and new oxide discoveries at Sadiola, supporting the Company's objectives to extend mine life and increase production", noting the following highlights: New Near-Mine Oxide Discovery at Sekekoto West: Drilling at Sekekoto West has uncovered a new oxide deposit, set to contribute additional feed to the Sadiola plant. This deposit, located 2 km south of the Sadiola Processing Plant, underscores the ongoing potential for Mineral Resource expansion within the mining license and covers a zone that has been historically underexplored, presenting significant new opportunities for resource growth over approximately 2 km of strike. Recent drilling has extended the known mineralisation by an additional 100m to the north, with plans to test further northward extensions by another 300m in Q2, aiming to uncover potential linkages and oxide mineralisation towards the FE3S rock storage facilities. Strategic Corridor between Sekekoto and S12: The discovered corridor linking Sekekoto to the high-grade S12 prospect represents a promising target for further oxide ore discoveries. This corridor holds the potential to continue adding incremental higher-grade, lower-cost oxide ore feed to the Sadiola mill, ensuring enhanced throughput and efficiency, especially during Sadiola's expansion. Allied's current exploration model indicates the potential for uncovering significant mineralisation between these two areas and in other prospective areas across the Sadiola land package. This model is actively being tested, and could substantially increase oxide gold ounces available for extraction. Exploration results to date continue to corroborate the Company's exploration model for Sadiola. Bonikro For the three months ended March 31, 2024, Bonikro produced 18,631 ounces compared to 20,038 ounces in the comparative prior period. Following a detailed capability assessment, conducted at the end of the prior year, certain improvements and process adjustments were identified and planned for 2024. A short stoppage on the processing plant was carried out, allowing the Company to undertake adjustments of certain areas of the flow circuit, as well as to improve management matters. The plant throughput variability reduced significantly after these improvements were completed, and processing performance has now been fully stabilized. The planned implementation of the aforementioned adjustments resulted in lower throughput was partially offset by higher feed grades and recovery rates. Despite recent improvements, several other opportunities to optimize the plant further are being pursued, including, but not limited to improved operational and maintenance practices, comminution circuit optimizations, increased gravity gold recovery, better slurry density, and viscosity controls. Consistent positive mining performance has ensured mining sequencing remained on plan. At Bonikro, expected cost reductions are to be achieved through the normalization of production after the aforementioned short processing plant stoppage to implement certain improvements and process adjustments. However, as expected and guided, Bonikro's sustaining capital and AISC(1) in the quarter were impacted by capitalized stripping at Pushback 5. The stripping activities being carried out during the year will improve production and costs for the next few years, as high grade ore will be exposed while significantly lower waste removal is planned. The classification of stripping costs to sustaining capital was changed in the fourth quarter of 2023, with first production from the pushback achieved in that quarter. Prior year comparative costs associated with PB5, which did not have any ore production in the first quarter of 2023, were deemed as expansionary capital and consequently did not impact AISC(1). Further, the increase in depreciation and amortization from the comparative prior quarter is related to amortization of the PB5 expansionary deferred stripping, which commenced in the fourth quarter of 2023. Gold sales were slightly higher than production, due to timing of sales. During the quarter, extensive Mineral Resource and exploration drilling activities were conducted across the Company's mining licenses ("ML") and exploration licenses ("EL"). Drilling covered 130 holes, totalling 13,952 metres. At the Hire mine, core drilling to the WSW of the Agbale prospect, which is expected to be processed at Agbaou, continued beneath and adjacent to the Akissi-So waste rock facility. These areas, historically drilled, yielded intersections of high-grade mineralization associated with a 1 to 2 meter quartz-carbonate-sulphide-gold vein. Allied drilled this vein on a 40 meter sectional basis, confirming a strike of 360 meters, potentially representing an underground target. Further work is needed to advance this target. At Oume, drilling at the Dougbafla West and North deposits aimed to convert Inferred Mineral Resources to Indicated Mineral Resources, with a focus on the oxide portion of the Mineral Resource at Dougbafla West. Further drilling will test the strike extent to the north and south, and infill drilling is intended to enhance Indicated category Mineral Resources. Agbaou For the three months ended March 31, 2024 Agbaou produced 18,216 ounces compared to 18,045 ounces in the comparative prior period. First quarter performance was strong, despite the transition to a new mining contractor, which is now complete. The oxide blend ratio feed at the Agbaou plant was enhanced by continued production from Agbale, which has consistently met grade expectations and provided significant flexibility during the first quarter. At Agbaou, expected cost reductions are to be achieved mainly through the increase of production in subsequent quarters after the aforementioned contractor changeover, as well as mining and process optimizations.