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Apex Trader Funding (ATF) - News

Orexo Q1 2024 Interim Report

UPPSALA, Sweden, May 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --  Starting 2024 with a positive EBITDA Q1 2024 highlights Total net revenues of SEK 139.3 m (158.8) EBITDA of SEK 15.9 m (-41.1) Net earnings of SEK -8.9 m (-63.9) US Commercial segment net revenues of SEK 129.3 m (140.3), in local currency USD 12.4 m (13.5) Cash flow from operating activities of SEK -18.9 m (-61.6), cash and invested funds of SEK 198.0 m (278.9) Earnings per share before and after dilution amounted to SEK -0.26 (-1.86) MODIA® and Vorvida® were reimbursed within the US Veterans Affairs Federal Supply Schedule as of January 1, 2024 Data from the clinical phase 1 study and stability data for OX640, a nasal epinephrine powder product, were presented at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immuniology Annual Meeting in Washington DC Orexo and Sobi agreed to advance feasibility study where AmorphOX® is tested with one of their biomolecules To refinance the existing bond a four year senior secured social bond of SEK 500 million was issued The new bond was classified as a social bond after a social financing framework was established, which underwent an independent review by Morningstar Sustainalytics. Important events after the end of the ­period Second patent in the US granted for OX640.   SEK m unless otherwise stated 2024Jan-Mar 2023Jan-Mar 2023Jan-Dec